Formal Letter

Dear Professor Brad,

My name is Bryant and I am a student from Singapore Institute of Technology pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. My passion for engineering was inspired by my dad. Being an aerospace engineer, he often brings home parts to work on and I would sit alongside him and observe. Moreover, I enjoyed finding out how things worked, and engineering allows me to adopt that drive to solve problems and improve people's lives. I previously graduated from Mechatronics Engineering in Nanyang Polytechnic and served 2 years in the army. I also worked as a technician in a semiconductor company where I had the opportunity to create operating instructions, work on component testing and resolve any software issue that crop up. One takeaway from this experience is that I learnt how to think like an engineer and acquire critical analysis skills.

My greatest weakness is that I can be too critical of myself. I have noticed that since young, I always focused on what I was really not good at rather than appreciating how far I have come and improve myself. My strongest asset is my time-management skills. As a time-orientated individual, I like to be punctual and see to it that I always meet my deadlines. For every task, I like to set a specific time period in which they should be done.

The first goal I would like to achieve is to abandon my fear of giving presentations. By being calm and focused, I am able to manage my thoughts better and know exactly what to say. The second goal I would like to achieve is to improve my writing skill as this is the primary basis upon which my learning and intellect will be judged. Having a good writing skill will foster my ability to explain and bring across my ideas to others.

I think what differentiates me from everyone else is that I am not afraid to back down, ready to step up to the challenge and not shy away from a little bit of struggle because that is what makes me stronger as a person.




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